USAW Athlete Membership

Each TAYW athlete is required to have an active USAW membership in order to participate in practices with their local club or TAYW competitions. Follow the link below to purchase a new membership, renew an expired membership or find your membership number. 

USAW Coaches Requirements

All coaches must have a valid non-athlete USAW membership to participate in TAWY events. This membership requires the following:

  • A completed background check
  • A SafeSport course completion certificate

Only coaches with a valid membership will be allowed on the mats during events. Use the link below to purchase or renew your membership.

USAW Insurance

Follow the link below to find details on the insurance benefits provided with your athlete and/or facility with your membership.

Welcome to your home for Alabama Youth Wrestling!

Team Alabama Youth Wrestling is the USA Wrestling (USAW) sanctioned governing body for youth wrestling in Alabama. Here, you'll find information about our organization, local youth wrestling clubs, events, and more. Explore the site, and feel free to reach out with any questions or suggestions!

Contact Us

USA Wrestling Information



USAW Membership

USAW non-Athlete Membership

USAW Insurance Information